I found some code to dynamically load images from an xml file and animate as a slideshow/movie.
However, I need to do the same for text.
I have created the animation for text in a movie clip, but now I need to dyanmically load text from either an xml or txt file, drop a phrase into the movie clip and animate over the photos every few seconds. (There will be about 10 sections of text to animate throughout the movie).
I’m not really sure how to proceed with this.
Does anyone have any examples that I could use?
I can’t seem to find any tutorials that make sense for this.
I really appreciate your help.
I`m trying to make something like that, exactly. first thing, you should make a movieclip that will hold the text from the xml. make a textbox with an instance name, such as “title_txt”, then in the first frame of the movieclip you have this kind of code:
function loadXML() {
objXML = new XML();
objXML.ignoreWhite = true;
objXML.onLoad = function() {
var theXMLdata = objXML.firstChild.childNodes[0];
var NameA = theXMLdata.attributes.nameA;
title_txt.text = NameA;
loadXML ();
then, you will have a movie with the data you want to animate from outside (with AS seems to work very good). it`s working for me, for you?