Footer size

david, lost…

I was perusing my temp files to see if any of these new footers are over sized…

I see has a footer of 18k …

I see lost’s random footer is 17k…

we can’t go over, if the members can’t either.

I’m sure we can whittle these down a couple of k’s…

go ahead and yell at me…


Ah crap, I made a few adjustments to my footer that were slight and didn’t think to check the file size. Honest mistake.

I will work on it tonight and see how far I can widdle it down, thanks for that :slight_smile:

I’m sure it was intentional


I just wanted to bring it to your attention before one of the whiners does…


um… Kirupa told me 30 k.

for the contest…

for the forums, it is still 15k


well you’re right, it is 15k in the help section. I think he was accepting 30 k though for the footer contest and I got confused or something.

I’ll redo it… thanks for the shout out

no worries, plus a couple of k’s isn’t bad…

just the whiners will protest… I’m sure…


[size=1]:dan hides from the evil reverendflash:[/size]

careful dan…

he looks an awful lot like me…


Oh believe me, dan is aware of that factor!

[size=1]:dan hides from all reverends:[/size] :wink:


that is prob a good idea…



Kits is too large as well. Her height is 69 insert immature laughter here and its supposed to be 60.

Oops. :slight_smile: Does that count as a Freudian slip? :stuck_out_tongue:

I’ll knock 9px off it though. :slight_smile:

ooo baby… I love when you oversize your footer.


Ha ha. :stuck_out_tongue:

hey, kit what happened to the animation you used to have in your footer a while back? it looked good.

It was also 70K. :stuck_out_tongue:

oh, you loaded several images?

EIlsoe made it, if I could take a guess I would say it was multiple .png images that faded in and out.

lavaboy’s is 20k as well…

does anyone in particular want to have the pleasure of telling him?
