For all those who like Pandas!

Hey everyone,
APDesign gave me a cool link via AIM. It’s a live webcam of a panda at the most awesome place on earth, the San Diego Zoo:

Have fun :slight_smile:

Kirupa :panda:


::claps paws::

Awesome link!

Yay! I like pandas!

(my two game aliases are EvilPanda and panda007)

wow! fast refreshing webcam! thx again kirupa!

Yeah, it is kind of addicting though… but maybe that’s just me. There are archives too, so if you want to watch a sped up version of an entire day you can. :thumb:

for what I can see it could be a still photo…

you guys sure these things are alive?


silly rev,
you must be looking at the “poached” section of the webcam section.

you mean the one on the home page, with the running clock and 2 pandas asleep?

big thrill there Kirupa…

let me know when they start the Turtlecam…



have fun guys

(BTW- the micro cam thing above has crabs, kind of like turtles ;))

LOL well pandas have to sleep sometime :slight_smile: They larger bear was moving around earlier.

yup, sure it was.

I’ll have to have you guys check out my Snipecam…

see if you can see the Snipe move…


When I frist viewed it, one of them was moving around as well.

Not our fault you bored it to sleep rev :trout: hehe.

Cool Stuff, the pictures of the baby being checked were even better :slight_smile:

hmm, is their cage really that small? if so i feel really bad for them…

have you seen most dorm rooms?

we’re all just a bunch of animals

:b: :jag: :panda: :evil: :alien2: :ub:

For those who like pandas that fight, here are some really large GIFs from WarCraft III of the Pandaren :beam:

ALRIGHT!!! A PANDA WITH A SWORD!!! That’s like… Eutopia for me.

nice, now i have something to stare at besides my desktop :).

aha that is so my bb avatar (cause its to big for here)

bah… asleep…

the naked mole-rat is awake at least! Running around from one pipe into another all the time :stuck_out_tongue: (yeldarb’s link)