For all you Half-life Mod Players

The Specialists


Takes a group of movies as a basis for it. The main one being “The Matrix.”

Game is loads of fun, once you figure out the controls…read the tutorial…

Here’s the site>>>

It’s great…the stuff they made Half Life do is amazing…:crazy:

Thanx for the info :slight_smile:

But Counter-Strike is still the cooles. From Weapon skins and Sound. :love:

Yeh, i’ve been playing this since beta 1, and I love this game :love:

mike what game are u talking about ?

CS right ? :p: lol :stuck_out_tongue:

DOD , blows them both out of the water! :stuck_out_tongue:

I agree with Russian. right now DoD is my favorite half-life mod. But considering how horrible DoD was in the beta, this matrix mod could end up being just as good as it or even better. I’ll check it out.

yeah guys give it a chance… i mean comparing a WWII game to a futuristic matrix game doesn’t really work…lol

I dont know about DOD I have tried it 2 or 3 times and is still boring. the weapon skins are good but the acc. and the movememt is bad and unreal lol :wink:

nno, i’ve been playing specialists since beta 1

LOL Mike u got me :frowning: I thought u said CS :frowning:

Im downloading it right now ! (-:

This mod is kinda fun, but not my favorite…

and the movememt is bad and unreal

Compared to the High-realistic CS? riiiiiiiiiight :sure:

*Originally posted by RussianBeer *
**Compared to the High-realistic CS? riiiiiiiiiight :sure: **


OK !!

I just downloaded/installed the GAME/mode

Gameplay :- SUX
Weapon/skins :- ROX

Better than CS hmm 50/50

CS still rox :slight_smile: Game play on cs is dam real and cool. :p:

give it time on the gameplay…the special moves are really hard to master; but once you do it is an AWESOME experience…also try to find the Kung Fu only servers…I’ll post the IP to the kung-fu one I use later this evening -

Read the tutorial on movement at their website…things will become a lot clearer…and if you want I’ll post up a list of the moves I’ve figured out…

It’s an awesome mod guys…I’m really impressed for this only being the second release

*Originally posted by RussianBeer *
**Compared to the High-realistic CS? riiiiiiiiiight :sure: **

LOL, have you ever seen a hacker speedhacking while crouching?