Counter-Strike: Source

I’m a Beta Tester! :thumb:

Anyone else a beta tester?

No one :frowning:

I think I get it tomorrow. I bought an ATI 9600XT in March and it came with Half Life 2 for free. Do I get it tomorrow?

I didnt even hear about this one :frowning:

I wouldnt even know where to sign up for betas lol.

I’ve been beta tester for Half Life mods since CS was a beta like over 5 years ago. The Colt had a scope back in the day. The models and old school maps were original. I almost miss them.

My bro’s in it. he says he got in because he’s got Condition Zero.

old betas always have something to miss about :wink:

CS wasn’t owned by Valve 5 years ago… I was involved in a few HL mods (Matrix HL, Wasteland) quite a while back, and I talked to Gooseman on occasion. CS Beta 1 was pretty funny. Weapon drops stayed around after matches so you could drop a gun and you’d want to run back to it when the round started. Also, you could drop from the server and re-join and it let you auto-spawn. Great times. :smiley:

WOOT! I’m in, because of my 9800XT :smiley: I’m so happy… I had no idea I’d get it :slight_smile:

CS used to be a lot better in my opinion, i was there at the version just before 1.0 came out…

disco? the matrix mod? I remember hearing about that, and I actually played with someone who was working on it one time, cause I was asking him about it…you all ran around with the like “matrixmod” tag or something???

CS: Source is better on graphics, but major buggy and the movement seems strange. Guns seem to recoil less and players move slower. A slight laggy, but that was because it was a slow server hosted by just a DSL with 20 people in it.

gimme it@