For anyone that hasn't seen it

My games been out for a long while, I keep going back to have ago and forgot how much work I put into it :smiley:

If you like it, send me large cardboard boxes full of cash

(note: please read the instructions if you are confused on why you can’t shoot/kill things etc, and please note that the first level is pretty much gentle training :D)

The first thing that struck me was the graphics- there great. Most of the games I see online have bad to worse graphics, and for most people I think graphics are one of the most important in a game. I could not find anyway to mute it which is annoying. It’s hard but fun I enjoyed the little I played with it.

Oh dear…one major snag that struck me between the eyes straight away, and that’s the 1000 pixel width. This means that I can’t view the entire game without scrolling unless I turn my favourites panel off. With a screen resolution of 1280x1024, I imagine it would probably be worse for those that use the default resolution.

I’m not sure how that qualifies as gentle training. Swarms and swarms of guys came out and killed my guys in 20 seconds. It was kind of lagging on me, too, like the frame rate would slow down.

Well it might be a bit choppy on slower PCs - I optimised it as much as possible but of course it’s all movieclip based not bitmap based, I’ve not tested it on anything less than a mid range PC

The size of the game is dependant on your desktop resolution - I didn’t design the site and the person who did put a script in to automatically size the game to your screen res - try going to

for a smaller version if your desktop can’t handle the bigger res!

Of course the game is designed for gamers, so if you die a lot then I reckon you just need practice at games in general! I tried it round the office and you could tell the non-gamers a mile off (the ones that died after 10 seconds on the first level then proclaimed that the game was rubbish!) :stuck_out_tongue:

I can pretty much complete it almost every time on veteran mode - it’s almost too easy on training mode.

It gets a bit hectic on the 2nd level though - just remember, you don’t HAVE to kill everything, hiding to save your hide is a valid tactic!

The size of the game is dependant on your desktop resolution - I didn’t design the site and the person who did put a script in to automatically size the game to your screen res[/quote]

The point is that it doesn’t automatically resize…or, at least, it doesn’t take into account whether my browser has additional toolbars or panels open, or what size I might have dragged those panels/toolbars to. Using the screen resolution isn’t the answer - the script needs to determine how much available browser space I (or any other user) has.

Well I can ask the guy to change the script but come on, it’s not like you’ll be busy using your panels and toolbars whilst playing the game so turning them off can’t be that much of a pain in the bum for a game that can take 10-20 minutes to complete!

The standard default IE installation has all those panels turned off and Firefox has almost as much screen real-estate. If you don’t want to play it because your panels are in the way then fair enough!

I think scripting that in is just extra polish that I don’t think many people will be that bothered about - after all we tweak and tweak our games graphical settings until they play right. I guess some people are hardcore PC and some are X-Box/Playstation…

It looks great I love it

[QUOTE=Charleh;2329155]Well I can ask the guy to change the script but come on, it’s not like you’ll be busy using your panels and toolbars whilst playing the game so turning them off can’t be that much of a pain in the bum for a game that can take 10-20 minutes to complete!

The standard default IE installation has all those panels turned off and Firefox has almost as much screen real-estate. If you don’t want to play it because your panels are in the way then fair enough!

I think scripting that in is just extra polish that I don’t think many people will be that bothered about - after all we tweak and tweak our games graphical settings until they play right. I guess some people are hardcore PC and some are X-Box/Playstation…[/QUOTE]

That’s the idea, be elitist and alienate your audience!

I disagree, he has a valid point. You can’t always cater to the minuscule percentage of the population that doesn’t have standard toolbars or panels.

Also, @Glos: what panel is it you’re using that you dont want to collapse during this game?

I’m not being elitist. I do understand that not everyone has the settings to just open the browser and play the game at the correct resolution, but I don’t think that turning off a couple of panels is too much to ask a user. PC owners are a ‘tweak’ community, they are used to having a LOT of customisation and not everything works first time every time.

If you can’t put up with a couple of clicks then get a Mac. (and no I’m not being anti-Mac - things usually take a couple less clicks on a Mac!)

Very nice, I can tell you put in a lot of effort.

Personally, the only panel I use is the Favourites Center…but because I use it all the time, I’d rather leave it on than turn it off just to play a game. And it’s a standard panel. I also have the Links toolbar displayed which is also standard. I don’t have the Menu toolbar open but, surprise surprise, that’s also a standard IE7 toolbar too. So nothing is “tweaked” or “customised”, contrary to what you think…nor is it as common as you assume. Leaving aside those users that have installed the Yahoo or Google toolbars (to name but two), the vast majority of Win users usually only alter their browsers using the options that are built-in to IE7.

The snag with turning them off is that every browser window that’s subsequently opened will also have them turned off, unless the user remembers to turn them all back on again.

And my original gripe is, in my opinion, still valid…screen resolution doesn’t mean a thing. It’s the available real estate that the user has in their browser that counts. That’s why Flash has scalemode settings. It’s also why HTML and CSS don’t have screen resolution tags…because it doesn’t matter, as they’re designed to automatically fit the browser as best they can. If you want people to fit your game into someone’s screen resolution then give them the option of selecting full-screen mode - that’s what it’s there for.

And yes, that’s what alienated me. As soon as I saw that I’d have to scroll left or right in my browser while also (I assume, although I never got that far) attempting to use my mouse to control the game in the Flash window, with all the palaver that would cause with switching focus from one to the other, I immediately closed it down.