Would anyone care to have a line art battle?
I would battle you Kit if you weren’t soOooOoOOooooOOOo goOOoOOOoooOOd. When it comes to line art, you’re l33t and I’m n00b.
Is this like that w00t thing everyone was on about the other week?
kit you would quite simple slaughter anyone who even tried to battle you at line art…
i know someone who is just as good but doesnt vist these forums or surf the net that much at all to be honest… il see if i can get some of his work though.
*Originally posted by Kitiara *
Is this like that w00t thing everyone was on about the other week? **
lol no Kit, l33t means you’re elite, number one, the best, and the greatest. n00b means I’m a newbie, a beginner, I’m what you might call a kiddiwink.
Oh right… Now I get it. Doh!
Thanks for the compliment.
Nobody? :o
Edwin just left for a 5 week vacation and he is the only one I know of that has any line art. Everyone knows I can’t do anything that has to do with lines or art so I won’t be subjected to getting owned up in another battle. Maybe if I had a WACOM I would try. I’ll ask around on other forums that I post at if they want to battle in line art!
Cool, thanks Dan.
ill do a sketched art battle?
i dont have a wacom… so my pencil and paper comes into use =P
Well kit doesn’t use a Wacom for her line art either, so it is fair.
I would, but I don’t get my other computer back until at least Friday. I can start drawing something now, then I could scan in it and start the work on it… I am willing but I would need an extended time period in order to get anything done. If the due date was not until the 3rd or 4th then I am all up for it.
What theme would you like to do? I was thinking of some type of fantasy…dragons and wizards and such, but anything would do. Just something to keep my imagination in check…
Cool… As Lost said, I don’t have a Wacom (I <i>wish</i> more like) - all I tend to do is draw a sketch by hand then scan it in and trace over it in Flash to add colour and shading etc.
Jubba - Fantasy / dragon type things sound fantastic, real potential there.
Can we have another mod (since I’m entering this one I won’t set the rules) to set the guidelines along what’s been suggested so far?
What do you mean by line art?
No fills or colors added? Just lines?
Please show me an example and I might participate… This seems very interesting…
Peace Out
Line art is pretty much a vector drawing. Here is an example (check out Kit’s attachment):
Here is a tutorial that Kit made:
I’ll do it!
Thanks for the examples dan… I’ve got a couple of good drawing ideas to throw in this mix and I understand how to do it fairly well…
So… Chalk me up pardners… I’m reayd to go for this one…
When we starting…
And How long we got?
Peace Out… btw… Fantasy/dragons rock!
*Originally posted by playamarz *
Thanks for the examples dan…
DAN!?! I’m Jubba, actually Jeff. But its all good
lol…mistaken identity…
i might be interested in battling with line art, although Kitiara already has won, just by entering…
hey maj no worries!! to the death!! anything can happen…