For lovers of beer

Just wondering what your favorites were (of course you must be of drinking age :slight_smile: ) hopefully I/we find out something new to try… Guinness, and Siera Nevada are my two standards. The brew Co. Pacific Sail is also very nice, as well as Hidden Woods (although their amber isn’t very good), oh and Pyramid brews are solid. The best thing ever is brewing your own… so great, I am starting a new batch soon.


Tuborg =)

Well i of corse am too young to drink but my cousins boyfriend made a ton of wine last summer and now its fermenting.

haha, me and my friends created a little beer for us, i knew im too young, but it’s called a ‘buyer’ that got us the stuff.

yeah but underage dringin is for *******s like my friends that are to stupid to relize what that stuff can do for you. well 2 of my friends at least. i shun anyone who does it and try my best to disassiate myself with them/.

I tend to like beer “with hair on it” if you know what I mean.

Speakeasy Prohibition Ale is pretty good. Got hooked on Gordon Beirsch Maarzen when I worked for them in Hawaii…

but I rarely drink beer. usually it’s Ketel One on the rocks…


Ketel One on the rocks… nice choice, I don’t think I could choose between K-1 and grey goose, I go back and forth.

I tend to like beer “with hair on it” if you know what I mean. have you ever tried Arrogant Bastard Ale?? I think it has a bit more than just hair on it! Plus the lable is great… they insult you because there is no way you could ever appreciate this fine brew… even for just the lable it is worth a look.


I’ll check it out.

Have you tried Chopin? It’s Belvedere’s potato vodka…my personal fav.

Grey Goose doesn’t have it for the money IMO.


Coronas are a nice party drink. Milwakee’s Best Ice for beer pong and just cheep nights of getting tanked. Pretty much anything thats put in front of me…

MGD is good too… :slight_smile:

I dont drink

Is that true that it’s legal to drink beer in Germany being 16yo.

[COLOR=#f9f9f9][SIZE=2]cold, not strong, ~5%, cuz 9.5% makes me feel bad[/SIZE][/COLOR]

NOTE*** Corona and chocolate go supERB together. sounds disgusting, but i discovered this at a pub recently when our food was taking extroadinarily long to get there…

as for my beer…
*Blanche de Chambly, a quebecois beer, found in the states, but best straigt outta montreal (like 8 USD cheaper)
*Lindemans, a Belgian lambic beer
*Magic Hat of course!!! Best outta Vermont. and if you are there, they give you free factory tours with loads of free samples… mm
*Dog Fish Head - perhaps the oddest brand name I have ever heard, but especially good… found by accident by a friend and I in an ‘experimental’ mood after a long day… but it was well worth it. One 6 pack and we were sufficiently plastered… can’t say that about any other beer except maybe a belgian tripel bock, although can’t say i’ve ever seen THAT in a 6 pack…

underage drinking is bad… mmmmkay?