For my Orange friend

lol :stuck_out_tongue:

*Originally posted by Soul *
**lol :stuck_out_tongue: **

lol… write a tutorial, the C4D world is greatly missing them!

dudeman…how about no? :stuck_out_tongue:


I dont think he liked your critique…


*Originally posted by 3d-iva *
**I dont think he liked your critique… **

You’re wrong 3D, I loved the critque. :stuck_out_tongue:

**You’re wrong 3D, I loved the critque. :stuck_out_tongue: **

Dont think he liked my critique of your critique regarding his picture…:slight_smile:

lol oh man… screw cinema, i’m going to try until I learn maya :stuck_out_tongue:

dudeman, you do that. =)

and make sure to avoid EG’s mistakes when modeling boots =)

Oh and don’t forget the cheeks too. :stuck_out_tongue:

why does the atmosphere get so… exclusive when someone makes a critique? i mean, sure it wasn’t in the best wording, but it’s still just an opinion and an attempt to help (i think)…

anyways, love the mech, you’ve got a real skill with shiny things especially (haven’t seen a whole lot of other stuff, except the whack abstract work)


If you posted that, you wouldn’t get such feedback. Dudeman is just being ignorant…

I would not say ignorant…any post here is fair game for a critique and he did not say anything bad… I think it is sad it seems to have been taken the wrong way…He was not clowning it. Man and just to think I was about to drop a suggestive tip from my point of view I think I’ll keep it to myself from now on when it comes to EG’s work. Which is nice BTW…DOH!!.. I said I was gonna keep it to myself.

Yea… Ahmed I really meant that I don’t know if you took that as a joke but I meant it, he looks too… ‘transformers’ style…

Dudeman wasn’t being ignorant Ahmed, and I don’t think EG thinks that either. EG was just messing around, he appreciated the critique… I think :wink:

  • Soul :s:

Heh… thanks Soul :wink:

Yeah why does everyone get so butt hurt when I joke around? :stuck_out_tongue: It’s ok though, I just think it’s funny when people try to take cheap shots at me, it just cracks me up. :beam: