Ahmed, I told you I was going to make an orange Golem for you, but it looked nasty being orange so instead, I made an orange mech with your very own logo, enjoy my lil orange buddy.
Sexy!! :love:
now that sh!t is @wesome nice particle effects
wow… i LOVE that! im setting it as my wallpaper :beam:
nice logo as well haha =)
you have that metal texture down to a science…but I like the orange man!
KICK ***** !!!
oh shesh! you should make a jet pack (or say he has one) for the special edition. btw how much are these running for? i might go down to the dealer and pick one up ponders hehe that is amazing, best one you have done yet!
kewl… write up some tuts please
Oh my GOD ! He looks so cool in orange ! Especially with the glow on his head ! You’re one lucky guy ahmed !
OHH !!! thats better sh!ttttttt :x
EG why not creat BLASTBOY he is blasting ? bad idea ? :hair: give it a try
**** brilliant work !!! How did you do it i am curious
*Originally posted by Voetsjoeba *
**Oh my GOD ! He looks so cool in orange ! Especially with the glow on his head ! You’re one lucky guy ahmed ! **
don’t you just love EG :love:
EG could do MOD Mechs, like each Mod would have a mech that had similar traits, like kirupas would have a unibrow. anyways, nice job EG! =)
hahah Mod Mechs? Getting ideas now…
I dare you EG…
I double-dog dare you…
[size=1]I’m real curious how you’re gonna make a chef mech[/size]
Ooo yeah! :beam:
But then i won’t feel all special…
damm you replode :bad:
geez EG that’s incredible…i’m seriously in awe. I’m partial to
orange myself, but regardless this is so sweet.
[hint] 1280 wallpaper ?? [/hint]
EG… just a critics comment : his boots are ugly and his face is lacking some pizazz… if you could knock the boots sharpness and shape his nose/cheek area a bit differently I’m sure it would look real cool heh
dudeman, thanks for the critique, but I like the boots so I’m going to leave it.
As for the face, I’m going to leave it too. Thank you and have a nice day.