I was bored to I grabbed one of my mechs and slapped on a pair of cannons. I hope you guys like it. =)
I like that a lot electrongeek
Any chance of us seeing a different view?
btw, do you have like… ya know… a real name? It gets wierd when you really admire someones work but you have no idea what their name is.
Hold on a sec
never mind, you is being hai/timothy
I hate you!!!
Very sexeh :beam:
- Soul :s:
Sure I can render it at another angle. By the way, my friends call me Tim, but you can call me EG. muahhaha j/k
haha… very fun
you are now forever eg, i shall never look up to you again.
I like the beams! Can you show it blasting something to pieces, like a wooden crate or something? Or a sheep? :P:P
- Soul :s:
EG, thats pretty smooth. nice job, you should to like a duck-tank or something…
hey tom, thats great!!!
good job!
*Originally posted by Alex *
**hey tom, thats great!!!
good job!
Thanks Alexis, I’m glad you like it.
Here’s another angle.
Having it blow up something isn’t a bad idea, I’ll see what I can put together. =)
how i hate you so…to much talent! man…this is fuockin amazing.
i kiss your hand.
Hey tod,
thats even better.
great job!
Just love it! =)
Just flattered. =)
Just love it too!=)
Yay, can it blow up a sheep? :bad:
- Soul :s:
Why, too challenging for you? Aren’t you man enough?
i could make it blow up a sheep
Soul, you’re right, sheeps are too challenging for me.