Gun Metal

Hello everyone, I’m new to the forum and my friends call me EG. This is my first flash site so I’m still a n00b with flash. :trout:

Here is my site, please critique it and tell me what you think, thanks. :geek:

hi eg!

welcome to the forums!

anyhooo, its great for your first site, crisp, clean, and nice visuals.

one small gripe i have though, is that if i click a link, then change my mind in between, i have to wait for the section to load completely before i can even highlight a new button.

i’d suggest adding some sort of functionality that can allow for user indecisiveness.

oh - eg, one more thing, since you’re new, i’d suggest reading up on the frequently asked questions here:


hahha thanks for the suggestion, orginally I had it so that the buttons were active all the time, but then it looked wierd clicking it and watching the panels jump back and forth so I added the disable function.

sexcellent, it’s not a big deal; in fact i didn’t even notice until i purposefully tested it.

i think your content is captivating enough for the user to want to see what loads without clicking another button in succession. :slight_smile:

wish i could start as a n00b with 4k posts :trout:

wow impressive… as usual… The one thing i dont like is your f (flash) logo at your splash page - just doesnt look like its a the right place

and your sound loops get boring after a while…

oh and, whats the use of the center screen ? (blue thingy with/ logo )?

Yes the sound loops do get boring after awhile, good thing I added the stop button for the sounds. :stuck_out_tongue:

Oh and the center screen is for my logo.


i love that honeycomb effect you have in your portfolio section…it’s fantasmic.

is your music player a modified flashtrak player?



Yup, I gave it a face lift. :stuck_out_tongue:

yeah, i like the lighter version alot better than the dark version. it looks cleaner and more professional. :A+:

Nice site geek, I like the design and the honeycomb effects on the reveals…
awesome 3d work… :slight_smile:

yeah, i like the lighter version alot better than the dark version. it looks cleaner and more professional.

Exactly :slight_smile:

Great site, man!

it’s so n00bish… looks like it was made in about 5 minutes… and omg! how much ripping have you done?! that’s like… 3 famous websites in one. sooo unoriginal! it’s hideous, truly hideous. come back when you’ve got some skillz ok?

lol. your not new around here. and your not a newbiee with flash.

Your rank has just went up! lo.

Love that robot dude. How did ya make him? you should cinema right? is it good? i use 3d studio max.

Originally posted by asphaltcowboy *
**it’s so n00bish… looks like it was made in about 5 minutes… and omg! how much ripping have you done?! that’s like… 3 famous websites in one. sooo unoriginal! it’s hideous, truly hideous. come back when you’ve got some skillz ok? **
by which I mean - f
cking n1 m8… it’s really really good :wink:

*Originally posted by asphaltcowboy *
**it’s so n00bish… looks like it was made in about 5 minutes… and omg! how much ripping have you done?! that’s like… 3 famous websites in one. sooo unoriginal! it’s hideous, truly hideous. come back when you’ve got some skillz ok? **

Check out that sludgy trail of jealousy that is oozing from the bottom of that post :stuck_out_tongue:

hehehe, did you read my second post? :stuck_out_tongue:

asphaltcowboy what the hell is wrong with you? Do you have split personality or something? you where the one that posted that **** about his site and then you told yourself off?

This site isn’t ripped and its good ****.

also y does lostinbeta and electronicgeek have the same picture under there name. ONLY lostinbeta is coloured in.

jesus 14k post. I have been here for like 6 months and i’m only on like 150… how can you post that much? how much time do you spend here?

ahahahahah :smiley:

the english sense of humour strikes again :wink:

re-read my posts plz dreamer. then add just a pinch of sarcasm :slight_smile:

asphalt: I did, I just wanted to comment :stuck_out_tongue:

dreamer: Asphaltcowboy was joking :wink:

EG and I don’t have the same picture, look carefully :wink: The pictures came from here… EG created it so he went with black and white, and I just chopped myself out of that picture and shrunk my head down.

And WOW… who has 14K posts!!! ::runs and hides::