Ok, I’m really starting to get fed up with this new “amazing” feature of flashMX. I have a scene called bubbles.swf which is the converted snow tutorials into bubbles instead of snowflakes. I look watch bubbles.swf and it looks beautiful. Now i’m trying to load bubbles.swf into index.swf . So in my first frame of my one frame movie I put the following code.
_root.createEmptyMovieClip(“container”, 1);
loadMovie(“bubbles.swf”, “container”);
container._x = 200;
container._y = -300;
Now when I view index.swf my bubbles load and only one bubble floats up to the top, unlike bubbles.swf which is a bunch of bubbles. Now why is it when I load through an empty movie clip it doesn’t work. I loaded the moive with just the loadmovie command not the emptymovie clip and it worked just fine. But I need to set the X, Y place. Can first anyone just help me load the bubbles where I want. And then if someone can please tell me why when I use an emptymoveclip command it always screws up my movie!!!
change any place in bubbles that says _root to “_parent” that should help things…
Nope, that didn’t do anything. I still only get one bubble floating in index.swf even though bubbles.swf is ton’s of bubbles floating. Is there anyway I can just do loadmovie and set the X, Y?
hey sanman, =)
try simply removing _root from the script. 
cool it worked! But I don’t understand why flash is so touchy? Thanks once again Kax
no problem. =)
and well, it’s just a matter of time. you’ll get used to it. 
Flash isn’t touchy, it just doesn’t know where your clip is if you don’t target it right 
See, when you load a movie into another movie, the _root changes. Since the _root is the very first timeline in the hierarchy, the _root of the loaded movie will become the _root of your index movie. And well… your code would have created the empty movie clip on that timeline, and yet the rest of your code targets container in the same timeline as the actions.
So, if you remove _root from the createEmptyMovieClip code, then it creats the movie clip in that same timeline.
i meant…
you’ll get used to target them correctly. =)
not that you’d get used to the touchy flash. 
thanks for explaining it to sanman, flower boy!! :flower: =)