For Video in Flash Know It Alls

[font=Arial][size=3]Brilliant site, didn’t know it existed until yesterday! Tut tut . . .[/size][/font]

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[font=Arial][size=3]Don’t know if it can be controlled but here goes:[/size][/font]

[font=Arial][size=3]CD-Rom based project – When loading an external swf (90sec mpeg clip/15mb) into a movie clip holder in my main movie it takes approximately 10-14seconds to load the video before play back begins.[/size][/font]

[font=Arial][size=3]How can I cut down the waiting time before the playback begins, the project will have 8 videos all around 15mb in size[/size][/font]

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[font=Arial][size=3]Any help would be much appreciated[/size][/font]

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[font=Arial][size=3]Regards, a very frustrated [/size][/font]

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