I have a form page I’ve done, which contains a combo box. I’m able to populate the combo box component with values from an XML file. When the user hits the frame the form is in, a function runs which loads the XML and populates the box:
function loadCountryXML(e:Event):void {
var xmlFooC:XML = new XML(e.target.data);
var countryList:XMLList = xmlFooC.countryList.country;
country.addItem({label:"Select a Country", data:0});
for each (var countryElement:XML in countryList) {
country.addItem({label:countryElement, data:countryElement});
My issue is this:
After the user fills in all the other text fields and moves on to another page, I need them to be able to go back to this page to change previously entered information.
All the form values are stored in an array, so there’s not a problem populating the text fields when the user returns to that page. The problem is that I can’t seem to set the combo box display the value the user has already selected and is being stored in the array.
Is there some sort of issue with how I’m populating the component? Has anyone done this before?