Forum Guidelines, Favoritism, and Harry Potter!

Hey everyone,
One of the things that all of us mods do is try to enforce the forum guidelines ( fairly.

I’ve heard from various sources that the guidelines are actually not being enforced fairly. It seems like certain members (including mods) seem to be exempt from following the guidelines, and more disturbingly, us mods have been turning a blind eye to those members’ digressions. Unfortunately, other members who aren’t as popular or as well known are being held to a different standard that leads to them being disciplined instead.

I’m not worried about what happened in the past, but all of us mods will do our best to enforce the guidelines fairly, starting right…now. The mods have been discussing this issue at length, and while we all have different (often opposite) opinions on how we should enforce these rules, I think we all agree that having one set of rules for popular members and having another set of rules for everyone else is not acceptable.

One of the purposes of these guidelines is to remove all fun out of these forums…err, I mean, to make everyone from the oldtimers to the newcomers feel welcome as equal members in the community. The way these guidelines have been enforced has created a situation where new members are trying too hard to join this all-too-real club of members whose wrondoings are simply ignored.

In the future, if there are any member/mod issues that you feel are not being handled properly, feel free to PM me directly.

Kirupa (-: