Forum site, any last changes?

Anybody got any ideas? Is it good enough? Or hella crappy?

(and noo, I won’t make it brighter…)

oh, one more thing… has anyone tried making the phpbb forum menu in flash before???

I won’t work fer me…

IE the profile buttons has this (href="{U_PROFILE}"

in normal php, that werks fine, but if I do the sazme thing in flash, it tries to open a file named like that… instead of utilizing the appropriate php code supplied… :frowning:

That is sweet eilsoe, definitely one of the cleanest forums I’ve seen. The only thing that I didn’t like was the gap between the top navbar and the forum table. Other than that, it looks great. =)

it looks really good.!! i like the colors to.=)


I know about the gap… it bothers me too… BUT…

If I remove the code that places the gap, all sections except the main index is 100% wide all of a sudden… I haven’t figgered that one out yet…

For some reason, an empty table <td> defines the width of the forum table :-\

I just don’t get it… it isn’t even supposed to be there!! :scream:

oh would you look at that… :stuck_out_tongue:

now that’s one ****ed up post :stuck_out_tongue:

<td> I did it again :crazy:

<tr> how’z THIS? :stuck_out_tongue:

okokok i’ll stop now :stuck_out_tongue: