FourLeaves - Holding Page

As some of you have seen recently my partly finished portfolio for FourLeaves, well this is the Holding Page until I finish the main page and get around to uploading it.

Just wanted to hear from you guys about what you think. Also very interested in the loading times, I want it to be near enough instant for broadband users and no longer than 5 seconds for dial up.

Click here

C&C Please,


loading time instantaneous here, but im uk too…

that page is sweet as…no email link tho?! good idea me thinks

Okay. Its funny you mention the email thing because I was on someones page today and they had a holding page up while the redesign was happening and I really wanted to find out their email and I couldn’t. So it is a good idea. Thanks for reminding me.

np :beam:

i saw ure previous site and as you clearly know ure stuff could you c&c my portfolio at

im an industrial designer, not web… but dont hold back…

content not all there yet

Yeah your site is very nice, to say you don’t do stuff like that normally. I like its simplicity and the colour of the boxes.

A few things though. On the Link boxes you have a ** before the text and i know this has been a trend on the web for a while but i think that your site would look better without them. They don’t look bad but seem to me that they aren’t needed and don’t add anything. The second thing i would say it about the main image that loads up square by square, its a bit slow if it did the same but was faster it would be 10 times better. Left me hanging a bit. Also the text on the about me section is not readable.

Overall its nice. Impressed. Interesting that you used to run a club night in Nottingham. I go there alot on nights out. For music i visit the Rescue Rooms and the Social alot (and rock city if im feeling that way inclined)


The email should be hidden away now in there.

Should i do it like that or do it so its actually visable?

thanks for the c&c…

you have asked the classic design vs. corporate question…

the designer in me likes the fact that you rollover and get the email option but i think if i didnt care too much for design i would want somethin clearer…could you not do a super simple, small envelope icon?

i think it depends if this is your personal site or a site you hope to get business from. my instinct is to do the envelope icon or something similar

Right, i will give it a go and see what it looks like…

Did you see the edited version of my post with the c&c in?

Social is cool, i did my first degree at Notts. I miss life there…laid back. I used to live down the hill form Rock City. Good old Lenton, not sure i miss that dump!

Haha. My brother used to live in Sherwood and a friend of mine lives in the scary hole that is Radford. I my self live in beautiful Yorkshire… unfortunatly for me and what i want to do…

Radford, nice I used to play in a club there called the Drum…not nice

Yorkshire eh? not the best place to make contacts no but you are very young… university plans?

Yeah i am young i guess… I have no plans to go to uni just yet. I was hoping to be able to just jump onto the band wagon but its not as easy as that. Ive just finished a National Diploma in Media Production so i do alot of film and editing work also. But my love is in design.

The envelope has been added. But im not sure on it. Is that just me being picky?

Looks really good so far star promo. The envelope is good. I await your finished site eagerly :).

i think you shoudl make the envelope the same blue as the rest… or just knock back the opacity because at the moment its the first thing your eye is drawn too…

yeh, knock it back similar to the text and you will be looking Sweeeeet…

I changed the envelope and the opacity, like you suggested but i aren’t really sure on it yet. What do you think?

i really like the graphic, but i think the email button would work ok if it was the blueish section of the graphic…dont think theres any need for the seperate graphic or pop up text on roll over

looks nice though :thumb:


i think it looks good, not sure about envelop in perspective tho…very close though :thumb:

Ah well, im getting there… What about just plain text?

i would go back to the original envelope image with the colur and opacity adjustments…text is fine