Should i continue or not

what u think im making my portfolio site but dont know about the design…

i like it simple… but isnt it to simple?

i still like it…

what u think…

well i gtg

be back till monday, so can you post some comments so i can check them then?



It looks good so far so go for it, Flash that baby up! :stuck_out_tongue:

Nice design i love the blue colors on it.

go for it and try it out. lett me(us) know when its online , wanna se it LIVE !

------Why dos allways boys LOVE :blush: the Dark/light -BLUE color I like the dark side but its cool ! hehehe :tb:

wow, that’s really nice, as in really, really nice

hey, it looks nice, you should continue :slight_smile:

IMO, it’s a bit too much of light blue, but it looks good anyway =)

What u think

not much just flashing it up lil by lil.


comment plz

to much squared? same s*** has always?

the splash page reminds me of pixelmorder (i think that was it… the one with the box)

the layout is wicked, i wish there was more to comment on, but it’s good. :slight_smile:

thats all i need to hear the “wicked” stuff :stuck_out_tongue:

im filling it up, just thinking what to put where etc…

WTF? pixelmorder? i just saw the site like 2 days ago :stuck_out_tongue:

looks cool…add content and it will be great

Hi looks good, it’s not simple, it’s clean cut. It could use 1 maybe two strong colors, maybe an orange tone or green if you want to stick to “cold” colors. You don’t need to use it very obvious, just some (small) style elements…

Good luck

that looks freacking good