I’ve made a preloader that has 2 stages for my website, firstly it just says “Loading”, thats frame 1, then once frame 2 has been doownloaded it jumps to it and has a graphical logo that, aevery 10% downloaded, triggers a smaller movie to be played. So basicaly as it hits 50% loading a spike shoots out etc.
All fine and dandy, recently however my Frame 1 in test movie -> streaming graph is now 64k.
Even after removing most of teh graphics etc from my preloaded and optimising everything in sight, made everything symbols, I tried everything, nothing makes it smaller (its actually 74k I just double checked)
Normally I could live with this but as I want the graphical logo to start playing at least before 20% (otherwise the code starts the spikes shooting out from 50% + at the minute)
I’m wondering if frame 1’s size is relative to the films total size, before it was only 30k or less and that was fine, but it suddenly jumped to twice that. The rest of teh movie has been made smaller filesize-wise, presumably the first frame holds infromation about the total number of frames in teh film etc but could that really make it 64k? I pasted all teh code I have in the first few frames into a txt file and that only weighs 1k.
Any help much appreciated, i’ve spent too much time on an insignifigant preloader!
- Psaldorn