ive got a problem with my preloader…
first of all, i did one myself. it worked, but the first frame had a size of 16 kb (it only contained an image, a little bit of AS and a dynamic textfield to display the percents already loaded).
i thought smth must be wrong. i downloaded Lostinbetas Preloader-tut-file and copied the first 2 frames into my animation.
i tested it, and guess, the first frame has got a size of 19 kb!! it dures a while to load it with 56 k, thats why the visitor only sees the loading-bar from 29% to 100 %.
ive got NO idea how to fix that problem. i mean, can one loadbar have a size of 16 kb? thats weird …
add an empty frame in front of the preloader. when i test the film, this (EMPTY !!!) frame has got a size of 17 kb. so it dures about 17 seconds to load until the preloader starts. any ideas how to solve that?
Do you have any movie clips that are attached dynamically? If you have then they are probably set to export in the first frame of your movie; thus the pause.
i have this same problem and i’m pretty sure it’s unavoidable unless you have a very, very small frame on which the preloader is locaded. Since I have a pretty big bitmap on my preloader frame, it takes a while for it to load…that’s why a put a site initializing text box in a frame before that…so when the preloader shows up it’s already at about 30%.