When you load a movie with say 30fps into a 12fps movie, what happens? Does the 30fps drop down to 12? Additionally, if it does, is there anyway to preserve the higher frame rate other than changind the other movie?
The loaded movie takes the fps of the host movie. So 30 will drop down to 12. And I don’t think there’s a way to prevent that.
Ugh. ok thanks
You can use a streamed sound - the flash player will match the movie with the streamed sound (streamed as in on timeline sync set to stream). So if you start at 15 and load a 30 with a streamed sound, it will bump up to 30 to match the sound since the Flash player bases frame progression on that sound - playing frames when possible, dropping in necessary
Oh ok. Hmm, I can’t use sound for this project but could I trick flash into thinking there is an empty streamed sound. Either that or attach a real sound and set volume to zero but that would waste bandwith. Maybe loop a short sound…