Free webhosting, with php email scripts enabled so i can have a contact page :)

i really need a free webspace/host for my website. i have a domain. now i need some space. ive been using a great service call and its terrific with 100mb space, 1gb monthly, cpanel, no ads/banners (which is kind of important.), FTP , php but email scripts dont work with there free hosting… any ideas of something similar but enabled email scripts? it would be really kind if i could get a hosting from unflux or some place :beer:

requiring 100mb no ads, PHP, 1G transfer why can’t you pay a little?!?

oh, i can pay a little, i just dont really feel like paying anything 4 dollars a month or more. i have a tight budget :(… it would nice to have a yearly cost of like 20 bucks or something.