Looking for Web Hosting

Hello all,
I’m looking for a good web hosting plan that supports php scripts, pop emails (send & receive.) and also reasonably priced. Do any of you have great web hosting plans?

Well I wanted to comapre my host and found this thread (which doesn’t look all that old anyway). But I use www.dreamhost.com. I had never gotten a host before but this one seems pretty good to me… it may not be as cheap as the others, but at 10 dollars a month plus a free domain name for a year, I get:
500 MB Storage
25 GB Transfer ($10/GB extra)
3 Domains Hosted
15 Sub-Domains Hosted
60 Mailboxes
15 Shell Users
And I jsut noticed a pretty good looking deal if you need like, a lot of space…
1600 MB Storage
40 GB Transfer ($5/GB extra)
15 Domains Hosted
75 Sub-Domains Hosted
300 Mailboxes
75 Shell Users
that one is for 20 bucks a month right now…
anyway, as for uptime, my site isn’t really worth much so I don;t bother with it much, but recently I think there were some DOS attacks and other problems. But, I find that the service is excellent and they don’t act like some big company, but mroe like real people that are giving you a decent deal. Uh, heh, and if you do sign up for dreamhost, tell em ‘service’ referred you as I get some sort of referral money that goes towards my hosting. That wasn’t my intention to write that originally, but after seeingit on the page I thought it couldn’t hurt :slight_smile:

man! in siteflip.com it says they charge $0.99 a month!!! is that for real???

Yep, and it’s a great host. They have great customer service, and their servers are incredibly fast.

Why not try a free host? http://www.hostultra.com/freehosting.html provide:

**Unlimited Data Transfer
Unlimited Disk Space
**100mbps Network Connection
99.9% Uptime
Free Sub Directory ( hostultra.com/~you )
Cool yourname.vzz.net URL!
Free Subdomains ( Many domains to choose from! )
Free Domain Hosting ( yourdomain.com )
Custom Domain DNS Control ( A/CNAME/MX Records )
Browser and FTP Uploading
Unlimited Domains / Unlimited Subdomains
Free Search Engine Submission

And its free :slight_smile:

I’ll bet they have ads like no other :wink:

ppnhosting.com !!

I’ve looked at all these, and I can’t find one better than the host I use, www.canaca.com. Low prices, LOTS of space and transfer.