Hi everyone,
I have been doing personal website design now for about 2 years now. I always seem to progress really fast with every new project I undertake, the newest being flash.
I just visited pixelranger.com, now, its not the BEST flash site out there, but even after seeing 2advanced, flashlevel etc etc, this site gave me the most inspiration. I think it’s because I can relate to the designer, he seems to be frustrated that he doesnt have enough time on his hands to persue all of his projects and learn new things… ok, going off-topic now… anyway -
Im progressing pretty fast in flash and I always look forward to when I have spare time on my hands to learn and create more.
Im really wondering if there are any people out there who make their living in freelance website/multimedia design. I see so many amazing designers who are self-employed and dont have a massive portfolio.
This is what I would like to talk about, I hope there are many who are willing to discuss this with me.
For those who are curious, my personal playground: nine10eleven - I created this out of some basic flash knowledge that I picked up on and off in the period of a few days.