FTP upload question

I am trying to upload files via ftp.

Last night I got half of the files to upload but then it started not working.
a 100 kb file would upload about 20kb and timeout after 2.5 min…

I deleted everything and have now tried again, but it is still happening.

At first i was using coffeecup FTP, when it stoped working I switched to cuteFTP.

I sent this question to the host tech support and this was the response.

Hi Mike,

I’ve tested it again on my end and it is running fine for me on my end. I uploaded quite large files to your account and it was very quick I was able to upload 10 files within 30 seconds or so. I don’t know if it’s a firewall thing that cause that or you are behind a firewall or something but my end worked fine so I don’t know what is going on there.

Well I am on XP and didn’t have the firewall on.

So now I am at a loss, why is it only letting me upload 15-19% of a file ?
It uploads this amount in a few seconds but then just seems to hang ?

Any ideas appreciated