I’ve created a Flash site, and it fills the entire browser great, and looks perfect on 800 x 600 and 1024 x 768. However, a lot of the people that are viewing it, have viewed it with much higher resolutions, such as 1600 x 1200. My question is, would it be better to test for the browser’s resoltuion, and stretch the file based on the resolution, in order to achieve the same look between the different browsers (800 x 600 = 100%, 1600 x 1200 = 200%… and figure out the other resolutions… or use a range such as “if it’s 800 - 1024 show it at this specific size, and if it’s higher show it at this size”), or would I be better off to make 2 or 3 different swfs, test for the resolution, and if it’s between certain sizes, load the most correct swf?
Another question that I had is…, if I were to take absolutely everything in the site, and put it all within a movie clip, can I just reference that movie clip, and edit the size of it based on what the resolution is at, in order to dynamically resize the movie clip and all of the internal components of the site?