Full Browser Flash - Need an element to be 'bigger' than the stage

Hey guys,

I’m working on a full browser flash site and it works great, its got a 1000x650 movie in the middle centred in the html and the background colour of the movie fills the rest of the stage, no margins, no mess!

Thing is, I need a black overlay to fade in (to put other content over the top) Thing is, the black box only resizes to the size of the stage not the full browser window! Heres the code at the moment:

// Stops the stage from scaling with the browser window.
Stage.scaleMode = “noScale”;

// Initiates the positions and scaling values for objects
blackoverlay._height = Stage.height;
blackoverlay._width = Stage.width;
// end initial position setting

//creates a listener that checks to see if the browser window is resized
sizeListener = new Object();
sizeListener.onResize = function() {
// change movieclip properties when the window is resized.
blackoverlay._height = Stage.height;
blackoverlay._width = Stage.width;

I obviously don’t want unnecessary scroll bars as they look ugly, so I’m not sure how to make the black fill the window. The alpha value of the black overlay will fade in using the tween class attached to the button so i’d rather it wasn’t in a separate movie clip because the the black will fade over the main content, and then load new content over the top.


Cheers in advance