Full Justify Text prob

Is there a way of making dynamic text appear as “full justify”? I’ve tried turning it into html link, as suggested in other threads, and even making the text box fully justify BEFORE inserting the text, but no go.
Thanks in advance!

No, i dont think there is a way out of this

grrrrr … ok thanks. I wonder why they even bothered to insert the full justify text in the first place …

You can use justify, but not with scrolling text

Ah … it’s not scrolling. I put it in dynamic, multiline text (as per the tutorial on how to enhance text). But there is no scroll bar:

Yet I would like it be a justified block.

But its dinamic loaded text and you cant justify :frowning:

No peace for the wicked, is there … thanks anyhow.

you’re welcome

I have another question: do you know how to make the actual slider of the scroll bar (in the same link as above) the same size? I would like it to be a smaller, fixed size (like a small square instead of the oblong rectangle) …

Are you using the scrollbar component?

yes … and I think it’s the fsb_thumb movie clip of that component … but I don’t know how to turn it into a fixed size …

I dont know that either… :-
Maybe some1 else does

ok, thanks for all your help anyway!!

good luck on dat!