Hi all,
Quality forum by the way. I am newish to flash and am currently working on building an FLV player. It is all working but have hit a major stumbling block whilst trying to use the full screen mode. I want the screen to go full size and have my controls sit at the bottom of the page and my video to scale to its true 100% form.
I have forced true myVideo.autoSize to true this makes the video perfect size but controls dont move (and why should they). If anyone has any words of wisdom on this issue it would be great I am having headache after headache. I do have an event on a button that fires the toggleFullScreen function
My code thus far is
var vidSrc:String = _level0.vidSrc;
myVideo.contentPath = "../flv/1.flv"
myVideo.playButton= Play_btn;
myVideo.pauseButton= freeze_btn;
myVideo.volumeBar = cVolumeBar;
myVideo.seekBar = mySeekBar;
myVideo.stopButton = myStopButton;
Stage.align = "BC";
//Function to toggle between fullscreen and normal size
//the toggle fullscreen button calls this function when pressed
function toggleFullScreen()
myVideo.autoSize = false;
trace (Stage.height + " - " + Stage.width)
myVideo.autoSize = false
var resizeListener:Object = new Object();
resizeListener.onResize = function () {