Fun and Games

:blush: Thank you very muchā€¦

And thanks for the tip there playamarz. Havenā€™t tried PHP before (Iā€™m working on ColdFusion at the moment though) but I can see that Iā€™m going to have to look into it. It would be nice to have the highest scores up there, maybe a list and some namesā€¦ Hmmm. Guess thatā€™ll come a bit later!

Very cooool! How many levels are there??
I love it! Nice background tooā€¦ very cool!

Thereā€™s 11 levels in all, hopefully getting more difficult as they go along. :slight_smile:

Yeh they do! I figured that one out in level three after thegame was over! :P:P

Hehe. :slight_smile:

I donā€™t know if anyone could be bothered to play that game right up to level 11. Iā€™m going to have to though, to make sure it works alright that far inā€¦ :!:

you should try submitting it to somehow! (send an eamil or sth) I get an email from them every time a new game is released! There are some pretty good games! Almost as good as this one :P:P:P

very nice work Kit. How man yhours did it take to make?

Too many. :sigh:

Couple of days really. That was pretty much working to the exclusion of all else, so it was a solid few days.

Iā€™m sure we can all try and help you figure out up to level 11ā€¦ hehā€¦

Cept meā€¦When I play tetris type gamesā€¦ I do extremely well the first 4 boardsā€¦ Then my mind starts hearing little voices and my eyes go buggy and I wanna place blocks in weir dspotsā€¦
