Whoa! Drunken Master!

Wow, just watched an old Jackie Chan movie called The Legend of Drunken Master, holy **** that kung-fu style is amazing! I think i’ll go to my local dojo and sign up for some basic training right away!

If you can rent it you should (for all the ev!l c0mput0r h4xx0rz you can download it thru DC, it’s still legal :))

ive seem the trailer for i and it does look amazing… is it the one with the pyshco cat?

oh and id advise not talking about hacking on theses board… its a big no no :slight_smile:

That’s true, we don’t allow the discussion of illegal software practices on the boards (end of nasty mod speech).

However, the name “drunken master” conjures up vivid memories of Friday / Saturday nights at chucking out time at the local… :stuck_out_tongue:

yeah he fights like drunken people do outside the kebab shop…

tis a great film :bandit: <-- this guy looks more like a ninja than a bandit… then again… kung fu is chinese! d’oh! :chinaman:

but we already have a ninja


but he just looks like a guy who hasnt had a shave in a few days :wink:

with a baldy head?

eeeeeeeeeeeeeexactly :slight_smile:

<b>Remembers starting fight in Student Union</b> Hehe… Drunken fighting… :slight_smile:

Think I’ve seen bits of that film though, but never all the way through. Jackie Chan is cool, very funny. :slight_smile:

oh course hes cool… he’s chinease…

name one chinease person who isnt cool?

Hai Xai Pie isn’t cool, ya the guy no one heard off…

And for Starpromo and Kitiara, DC is legal, downloading movies thru the program is still legal (atleast in sweden).

I do kung-fu
Its so great man, sign up ASAP

and for you who do gu-gist-su, we getta use weapons! MUHAHA

I did Shotokan karate for a while back at University. :slight_smile: No weapons there though. :sure:

But what I want to know is why I always got paired up with the six foot bloke who’s was built like the proverbial brick ‘outhouse’? :sure:

I used to do kung fu, but it was soooo expensive… keep me in great shape though - did I mention that I look great?


karate is actually a bit pants tbh … with regards to actually using it for self-defence…

It’s fun though. :slight_smile: Even if you are left feeling like a bit of a twit because you only come up to your opponents chest and he can see way over your head…

The instructor thought it was hilarious - “You’re the dancer aren’t you? Right, in that case when you kick, aim for his head.” :sure:

hahah! little did he know that you are infact a Computer Science / Dancer hybrid aka, supah l33t fighting powahs!


I was an ickle 5ft 3 girlie, trying to floor a man the comparative size of Giant Haystax.

Comedy elite is more like it. :stuck_out_tongue: