Futbol Fans

Now this kids a fan!

::sorry, link removed by Reverendflash…

PM EthanM for the link to the photo…::

ahahah!~ tell me about it!


I saw this a few years ago and laughed my arse off…


I didn’t think it was that bad, but thanks for moderating the pic Rev. Basically is a very young child showing disgust for another futbol team, probably because they are running a 4-4-2.

PM for the goods.

just as a thought…

if the word gets ****'d out, then the gesture should prob not be shown either…

It is a funny pic tho.


That’s a valid point, but maybe he just thinks his team is #1.



but seriously, how young do we start them? tehehe

Oh heh, my dad has the picture hanging in his office (if i’m thinking about the right one).