Futuristic landscape

This is a submission for feedback. I wanted to make a backdrop / wallpaper with 3d items. The surfaces reflect very well, and are adjustable.

Mmm thats really nice looking, how did you do the reflection?

you create that in swift 3d? I’m guessing the reflections were created using some custome materials with reflective properties and the use of lights. Anyway…it looks nice but I don’t know if it will appeal to many as a desktop, as attractive as it is.

Nice experimentation though.

well, that’s all it was experimentation. swift 3d, with reflective surfaces. it pulls it off quite nicely for semething that is not the allmighty 3dmax

wow swift 3d is pretty cool
and acully i don’t like 3d max that much

I dont find the picture as to futuristic or a landscape. Looks like some shiny objects that are somewhat cool.

Swift 3D was made for small and medium vector animations and 3DSM is used for them SUPER COOL BOMB FUTURISTIC AMAZING stuff thats used in movies and sh*t… :pirate3:. 2 different objectives :).

i take it no one uses bryce here… bryce is pretty good for wallpapers and crap…
i like it neway :stuck_out_tongue: (bryce)
the wallpaper? to me it just looks like a test image (which it is) sorry!


Bah, 3d programs… wouldn’t it be cool if you did that entireley in Photoshop? It is possible.

No it’s not impossible. Whats so impossible about that wallpaper he made? All you have to do is make your 3D shapes really good and then texture them in.

Who said it was impossible!?

Coulda sworn ur post said impossible - but then again I see no “edited by gs at…” lol. Oh well :P.