Game-makers wanted!

My website’s portfolio needs some games, but you only have to help me with one if you want. Unfortunately, we don’t really have any sort of budget, so all we can do is give your name as a designer. If we ever become more succesful, we’ll give you something in merchandise. We would really appreciate some help. What we’re looking for is a platform game that isn’t too violent, but has a wierd twisted side. The game has to be weird but fun. If you could make a background that scrolled with velocity and good gravity that would be cool. Also make some enemies. I’ll do the graphics, but for now make the main character’s height two times his width. I’ll do the final graphics. And the last thing I need would be a coin object. Heres my idea for the health system:
There are four hearts. Whenever the character hits an enemy he loses a heart and becomes invincible for a few seconds.

Thank you,

i’ll certainly help :stuck_out_tongue:

Please email me at if you would like to help

mmm, I guess i didn’t explain enough, i’ll help you code the game so pm me if with what you want help with or have problems with the game, or if you just wan’t me to write the game send me the graphics but i would like credits o.O

This is supposed to be in the free/bartering section, smart move putting it here though, how many of these games are you planning to have on your portfolio? lol

I’m planning to have at least three in the next few months. I’m getting a lot of help from the nice folks here at Kirupa. As for the game, you guys don’t have to help me unless you really want to. All I need is an Fla to examine how it works. I’m already picking up actionscript but theres a few things that I’m unclear of.

Well, i’ll help like i said but you have to give me every aspect of the game and the graphics and i’ll write the game for you, as long as im in the credits

Dude, I have an okay game i mae, you can have it ya want. (say you made it, cause i made it 4 you. It needs tuning. LOTS of tuning (graphics tuning). I’ll need to put it on savefile first.