Games in flash MX

Hi everybody,

     I would love to make  games using Flash MX. I Reffered Kirupas site but found only the basics such as firing mechanism and how to put scores.

       How do I put scores when I hit an object ,instead of clicking a button shown in Kirupas site. How do I create a reaction when my bullets hit an object like an enemy ship.I want the enemy ship to blast when I shoot it and also the scores to go up.

How do I put my games in Flash with the '.exe ’ extension.

       Please help me.
                            John thomas

Hello JT,
Search the forum a bit, all these questions have been asked many times…

pom :slight_smile:

does this mean we need more game tutorials?

yes. can i write one?

I’d love it if you did Clown. :slight_smile:


I wanna see some too. I want to know how you did half the stuff in just your footer!!

Clown: Feel free to write all the tutorials you want. Let me find the template for you…

There you go my friend. Write away. Let us know when your finished and we’ll look it over. I’m sure anything you write will be fine. :slight_smile:

for now,

I’m really looking forward to the game-tut. :slight_smile:


i’ve made a tutorial on how to make controls for an asteroids style game but some things aren’t done because im not too good with html. maybe a mod can fix it up for me. the things to fix are:
1)put the proper code where the swfs are supposed to be
2)put the actionscript in those scrolling boxes
3)i put the url to the source at the end of the tut… it should be put in the appropriate place and made downloadable…
4)if there are any mistakes ie spelling, it should be fixed. feel free to change any of the wording.

also, if i am to write how the actionscript works, then i need the template for that aswell

heres the file…

Well, I’m no mod, but I started in HTML so I fixed your file. Looks like a good tut! I’m house-sitting for someone and they don’t have Flash, but I will check it out later.

wow! thanks freddy!
to mods: if you’re gonna use the tutorial, use the file that Freddythunder posted in the previous post.

ps to explain the as, i need the template for that. thnx

Alex? Oh well…

alex? i dunno what your talkin about…:q: i dont see alex anywhere:evil:

Tricky editing…I didn’t mind at all. I was just joking around!! (-: