Gaming n00d!?!


ok i’m bord :hair:

i feel like playing a first 1st person shooter :}
but am a n00d when it comes to 1st person shooter game :blush: So which game has cool gun’s and is for the pc that has a demo i can download “like now”:stuck_out_tongue:

Thanks :crazy:

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DeltaForce Black Hawk Down

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Splintercell ??? is that a 1st person shooter ?

i think thats more a “hide and jump the bad guy” kind if game… am looking of a more “runing in and guning every one down” kind of game :}

ok, how about the unreal tournament 2003 demo, thats just deathmatch pretty much, and it looks shweet
or, battlefield 1942, or soldier of fortune 1/2, or unreal2, there are so many

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DF:Black Hawk Down

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UT2003 is pretty crap in all honesty.

Quake 3 is still the deathmatch/ctf daddy… then there’s also crappy CounterStrike, which is full of idiots and cheaters :slight_smile:

oh, and it’s n00b, not n00d… that would be ‘naked’ :-
generally speaking, I like to play with my clothes on :stuck_out_tongue:

ok i’m downloading UT2003 demo :}
its the first demo i found :stuck_out_tongue:

asphaltcowboy :smirk:

my english suck… SO :stuck_out_tongue:


I’m not sure l337 counts as english tbh, so :stuck_out_tongue:


eerrrhhhhmmmmm :-\

sorry but i can’t find “l337” and “tbh” in the dictionary :stuck_out_tongue:
can you put that is english… :whistle:
lol me is :crazy: and a newbie…

Battlefield 1942 - DEFINITELY

yeah - sometimes it feels weird:

mmmm, double spawning tanks… lol, man asphalt how can you say ut 2003 is crap, it ownz all over Q3 :), although i have to say that the q3 engine gave us classics like jk2: jedi outcast, for which i am thankful, but ut’s got more style, nice maps, and ragdoll physics :bad: ! and mlk i think thats an official downloadable map called Operation Aberdeen.
yeh try and get a BF1942 demo its a great game.

Originally posted by mojo-jojo *
lol, man asphalt how can you say ut 2003 is crap, it ownz all over Q3 :slight_smile:
the weapons were pretty boring and unbalanced, the netcode was sh
t (not sure if there have been subsequent patches to fix this). Sure, the levels were nice… but the game seemed just… far too random to me. When you first start playing q3, you thinks: sh*t, this is frantic… and aiming is sooooo random - it’s just run about and try and aim at whatever moves. Eventually you come to realise that this isn’t the case: to be good at q3, you have to be really accurate. I just found that ut2k3 was kinda like ‘q3: n00b arena’ :slight_smile:

I would get America’s Army if you want a first-person shooter. It is a great, totally <b>free</b> team-based game.

Anyway, even if you do think america’s army is crap, you still can’t argue with the fact that it is free :thumb:.

Yay, go njs. He mentioned the only free game over 1mb ever worth downloading. Try that, free and I consider it one of the top 5 current FPS’s (not counting it’s free).

Well am playing UT2003 with my borther and seen it’s the first time i played muiti…it good for me :thumb:

I like Rogue Spear: Raven Sheild! When you get a full house (or close to it) and limit the users to only autos, then you are in for one hell of a match (and one hell of an @§$ )<][()<][||(; if I’m playing! ][ |2 1337!)

Translation: And one hell of an a-s-s kicking if I am playing! I R LEET!

not sure if it has a demo — pretty sure it does tho
(soldier of fortune 2: double helix)

SOF 1 was quite easily the goriest game I have ever played. My friend was able to shoot people’s fingers off when he played. He shot someone in the leg and got a bucket of blood splatterd on the wall behind him. He then shot the guy in the head and he bled like a bizzatch. We laughed because we are sick bastards.

wtf America’s Army ain’t free… who said so ?

Try the demo for the new game


This game looks amazing! It’s all cell shaded and look very atmospheric plus it’s got a great story. I dont have a link to the demo right now but i know it’s out there a buddy of mine has it.