Gather up to hear the funniest joke ever!

i´ve overheard some ppl saying that we have, in our ver own comunity, the funniest comediant alive, and that his unique and sharp sense of humor makes him the best joke teller ever!

So, i talked to him and pleaded (begged) for him to give us the honnor to hear one of his famous jokes. the only request he made was:

gather all kirupians online in a single thread, coz i don´t tell jokes to an empty audience…

reasonable, huh?
i think so…

…so, if you want to hear the joke of a lifetime, i introduce you ::rolling drums::



lol :stuck_out_tongue: :P… well he looks funny indeed… :P… i was gonna post a pic of his making a monkey face but i lost it :(…

I am bouncing with anticipation bdawg… do yo thang…


i´m sure i´ve seen he lurking in this post on who´s online… iwonder why he doesn´t played his roll…:-\

…i think he got shy…:sure:


thats funny guigo. you really are a great guy

[SIZE=1]psst…thats was a cover up. i need you to teach me how to write…invisible messages.[/SIZE]

i just sh*t my pants

haha lol=)

repeats thor’s post

click here



wanna hear a joke…

ROFLMAO! Nice spamsong… :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:

So far I am disappointed. B_Dawg has yet to make me laugh on this thread. I reckon that I am the better comedian. :slight_smile:

So I went into a pub the other day, and I saw a guy chatting up a cheetah. I thought ‘he’s trying to pull a fast one.’

Boom boom.

hehehhehe rev, that was funny! :slight_smile: it reminded me of that scene in Being John Malkovich, you know when Malkovich goes through the portal to his own self, and everyone has his head, including the women and they’re all speaking ‘Malkovich’, that was funny wasn’t it?



Don’t you think?



:: frogs croak, tumbleweed flies past ::

[SIZE=1]the silence of the kirupans speaks volumes…[/SIZE]

well i thought it was funny. :stuck_out_tongue:

“Malkovich Malkovich.”

We have a tiny door in the Physics department of Uni that bears the sign:

Room 357.
Dr. J. Malkovich.

:q: :q: :q: :q: :q: :q: :q: :q: :q: :q:

:q: :q: :q: :q: :q: :q: :q: :q: :q: :q:

*Originally posted by Guig0 *
:q: :q: :q: :q: :q: :q: :q: :q: :q: :q: **

…alright quit spamming. this thread is headed nowhere.

*Originally posted by thoriphes *
**…alright quit spamming. this thread is headed nowhere. **

Hey! I live there!

you do?? me too :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: