I do. I so do. :evil:
*Originally posted by Kitiara *
**I could do the same with men and beer, you know.
I think I’m going to start sending team emails in |337 now.
There’s one for your bored in the office thread… **
=) my thread is really poppular :love:
*Originally posted by The Orange One *
YAY! write it in the thread kit, im sure jaz will put it on the list…
it’s not there as i still dont know about this new alien language u guys are talking about, will someone explain me please?
its geek talk. basically the same as english, except that letters are replaced with numbers and special characters. There are a few variations but a rough guide is:
…etc. To be honest i dont know it that well. Apparantly asphalt is the guy you want to talk to.
He is indeed, ‘da man’.
*Originally posted by SureShot *
I cant say that girls are bad because the girlfriend I have know is the greatest girl on the face of this planet. Not once has [size=4][color=red]he[/color][/size] complained when I went out with my friends, had to play baseball 2 nights a week for 3 months while they were the only 2 nights she had off from work, she never wines about anything (except for girl kind of stuff and that only happens once every so often )
I’m pretty **** lucky that’s for sure.
Oh yah - am I in the dessert because I think I just saw some Camel Toe! **
oh i shud have known
actually we have something simlar here too. here, we replace a word wid another word… Hmm… lets say i have to say.
** bored in office ** in that language
bored in office will be ** YLIVW RM LUURXV **
try pronouncing it hahaha
wots the problem digital?
he loves his girlfriend and made a mistake in typing… everyone thinks their gf is the best. Hey I do, may b that person suits ur likings and personality and it makes u think that she’s perfect for u?
Hey i feel that way too and if u think lovers are hijacking ur thread, we can take over the world
but seriously i never understood wat u were trying to suggest wid WTF??? expression.
Look for the underlined word and then read that sentence.
Somebody finally notices…
hahah - guss I better find the edit button!
wow - I think my face just turned red!
lmfao haha no worries… others have done it.
Check out this.
This site is great.
ahaha. boy now that is a typo!
now don’t get me wrong about this girl shes wonderful…sometimes. It’s like talking to a 2 yr old though…eveything i say goes in one ear and out the other. I think she has a selective hearing loss.
www.bash.org is officially the bestest site ever!
turno: I want to **** Michelle’s brains out with my huge ****ing ****, over and over again … and then her sister can come and join us too.
Seeker: Err turno, your mom reads the quotes on bash.org?
turno: I’ll ****ing KILL YOU! !
Seeker: Your mom does work for the church ? If she reads what you just said she’d be pretty angry right?
turno: Dude you have no ****ing clue, don’t seriously… you’d be ruining my life.
Seeker: Don’t worry, I won’t post it.
[Privmsg] Seeker: Hey dude, I’m gonna paste something - will you post it on bash.org?
[Privmsg] opiate: the turno thing? haha you ****ing bastard!!
[Privmsg] Seeker: hehe his mom’s gonna ****ing kill him, drag him to that church they go to and get the priest to sodomise him.
[Privmsg] opiate: yeah and then he’s gonna come ****ing kill us, still I reckon it’s worth it;)
[Privmsg] turno: You’re not gonna post it are you ? Please don’t … I’m begging you.
[Privmsg] Seeker: I’m not gonna post it:) and even if I did she’d never know that your nick turno was her son Michael Savu .
[Privmsg] turno: phew spose you have a point[/size]
ohm: ****
ohm: ****
ohm: ****
ohm: i was just in an AIM convo with a chick, and my grandmother’s window pops up
ohm: ****
ohm: i go like this to her
ohm: “i want to suck on your clit”
ohm: ****[/size]
mage: what should I give sister for unzipping?
Kevyn: Um. Ten bucks?
mage: no I mean like, WinZip?[/size]
<blazemore> LITTLETON, Colo. - Colorado officials plan to try a 15-year-old boy as an adult for allegedly offering a Sony PlayStation to have his aunt killed.
<FlipTopBx> is it modded?
<glome> Who stole the cookie from the cookie jar?!
<content> glome stole the cookie from the cookie jar!
<glome> Who me?!
<content> Yes you!
<glome> Couldn't be!
<content> Then WHO?!!
<glome> Woody stole the cookie from the cookie jar!
*** glome has been kicked by DrWoody (**** you i didn't touch the mother****ing cookie, *****)
<ckx> women ask for it
<ckx> they act all old and mature
<ckx> and then you stick your **** up their ***
<ckx> and they get all *****y
<ckx> "I"M ONLY 13, I'M ONLY 13!!!"
<Night-hen-gayle> I gotta go. There's a dude next to me and he's watching me type, which is sort of starting to creep me out. Yes dude next to me, I mean you.
<JonJonB> Purely in the interests of science, I have replaced the word "wand" with "wang" in the first Harry Potter Book
<JonJonB> Let's see the results...
<JonJonB> "Why aren't you supposed to do magic?" asked Harry.
<JonJonB> "Oh, well -- I was at Hogwarts meself but I -- er -- got expelled, ter tell yeh the truth. In me third year. They snapped me wang in half an' everything
<JonJonB> A magic wang... this was what Harry had been really looking forward to.
<JonJonB> "Yes, yes. I thought I'd be seeing you soon. Harry Potter." It wasn't a question. "You have your mother's eyes. It seems only yesterday she was in here herself, buying her first wang. Ten and a quarter inches long, swishy, made of willow. Nice wang for charm work."
<JonJonB> "Your father, on the other hand, favored a mahogany wang. Eleven inches. "
<JonJonB> Harry took the wang. He felt a sudden warmth in his fingers. He raised the wang above his head, brought it swishing down through the dusty air and a stream of red and gold sparks shot from the end like a firework, throwing dancing spots of light on to the walls
<JonJonB> "Oh, move over," Hermione snarled. She grabbed Harry's wang, tapped the lock, and whispered, 'Alohomora!"
<JonJonB> The troll couldn't feel Harry hanging there, but even a troll will notice if you stick a long bit of wood up its nose, and Harry's wang had still been in his hand when he'd jumped - it had gone straight up one of the troll's nostrils.
<JonJonB> He bent down and pulled his wang out of the troll's nose. It was covered in what looked like lumpy gray glue.
<JonJonB> He ran onto the field as you fell, waved his wang, and you sort of slowed down before you hit the ground. Then he whirled his wang at the dementors. Shot silver stuff at them.
<JonJonB> Ok
<JonJonB> I have found, definitive proof
<JonJonB> that J.K Rowling is a dirty DIRTY woman, making a fool of us all
<JonJonB> "Yes," Harry said, gripping his wang very tightly, and moving into the middle of the deserted classroom. He tried to keep his mind on flying, but something else kept intruding.... Any second now, he might hear his mother again... but he shouldn't think that, or he would hear her again, and he didn't want to... or did he?
<melusine > O_______O
<JonJonB> Something silver-white, something enormous, erupted from the end of his wang
<JonJonJonB> Then, with a sigh, he raised his wang and prodded the silvery substance with its tip.
<JonJonJonB> 'Get - off - me!' Harry gasped. For a few seconds they struggled, Harry pulling at his uncles sausage-like fingers with his left hand, his right maintaining a firm grip on his raised wang.
(morganj): 0 is false and 1 is true, correct?
(alec_eso): 1, morganj
(morganj): bastard.
<Charlesowns> Man i was surfin **** and like "normal" surfin at the same time, so my mom comes in and i quick as hell tab down the ****. So now im looking at a SWAT vest and an Mp5 submachinegun trying to hide the giant penis in my pants. Then all of a sudden this realy gay male voice speaks out realy loud goin "i want to suck your big dick ans swallow your hot sperm" then like 100 popups open up all consisting of hardcore fetish gay****.
<Charlesowns> man my mom started crying and now she thinks im gay... it owns
1337 Kirupa:
1337 maddox
http://www.monduna.com/cgi-bin/misc/l337.pl?page=http%3A%2F%2Fmaddox.xmission.com i find that funny…
holy crap, that guy in #21516 is stupid. HAHAHA! i nearly died laughing when i read that
oh god, that harry potter thing is hilarious too. REALLY NAStY, but funny.
<blazemore> omg i love this song
<blazemore> Now playing: Unknown Artist - Track 2 @ 128 Kbps. (0:47/3:24)
<Javi> blazemore: yeah, that's a bad *** song
[01:33] (hilo21) ima looking for a site that seels amp
[01:33] (hilo21) ima looking for a site that seels amps
[01:33] (hilo21) iam looking for a site that seels amps
[01:34] (hilo21) I am looking for a site that sells amps
[01:35] (nexxai) how bout you look for a site that teaches english?
[01:35] (hilo21) **** you
[01:36] (nexxai) Lemme guess, you'd kick my ***, but can't read the road signs to get to my house?
<Alcaron> You should set yourself up a webcam. I don't know why, but I get this feeling we'll catch you doing something stupid. :)
<Longi> Alcaron: thats exactly the reason i wont set one up, the high probablity of me doing someone extremely embarassing
<Longi> err?
<Longi> THING
<Longi> someTHING!
<Opcode> i was gonna call 911...but i was downloading a file
<tatclass> YOU ALL SUCK DICK
<tatclass> er.
<tatclass> hi.
<andy\code> A common typo.
<tatclass> the keys are like right next to each other.
*Originally posted by norie *
**now don’t get me wrong about this girl shes wonderful…sometimes. It’s like talking to a 2 yr old though…eveything i say goes in one ear and out the other. I think she has a selective hearing loss. **
you know norie, maybe the reason it feels like your talking to a 2 year old is because the girls you date aren’t that much older then two.
I think my favorite from that bash site is
AFK, tornado
*Originally posted by Digigamer *
**you know norie, maybe the reason it feels like your talking to a 2 year old is because the girls you date aren’t that much older then two. **
Have you guys never seen Bash?