Girls Girls Girls

i bet you expected to see a pic of girl didn’t you …sowy. I just wanted to know if im the only one here w/girlfriend problems. Girls are so freakin’ psyco sometimes.(all the time actually) one minute they’re fine the next minute they go freakin :crazy:. I don’t understand them. Who does? I wish girls were programmable in AS.

if (girl >loud){

actually I was expecting the beastie boys song…

girls arent bad… my new girfriend is :beam:

what’s on your mind little one?

Girls… Well Norie, you know how I feel about your GF

if (norieGF != nice) {
   trace("Dump da B!tch");
} else {
   trace("Dump da B!tch");
   gotoAndPlay(Katrina, 1);
**** that worked out well!!!!

All [color=deeppink]women[/color] are [color=red]evil[/color] and all [color=blue]men[/color] are [color=green]morons[/color]

oh yea… Here is something to cheer you up!

The new UPS uniforms :wink:

And this 1 is just great!! hahaha

Please don’t delete these mods, somebody posted Britney the other day wearing less clothes and that got left up! :wink: :p:

looks like i was the only 1 expecting to see women lol ahh well pimp u sorted that for me lol later dudes


I cant say that girls are bad because the girlfriend I have know is the greatest girl on the face of this planet. Not once has she complained when I went out with my friends, had to play baseball 2 nights a week for 3 months while they were the only 2 nights she had off from work, she never wines about anything (except for girl kind of stuff and that only happens once every so often :wink: )

I’m pretty **** lucky that’s for sure.

Oh yah - am I in the dessert because I think I just saw some Camel Toe!

i´m with ya sureshot!

my g/f rox!!!

i get all the space i want for me self, and if she´s trying to get a hold on me i can easily dodge her :stuck_out_tongue:

guess i´m ejoying my batchelor´s time while i can (no cheating involved ;))

*Originally posted by norie *
**i bet you expected to see a pic of girl didn’t you …sowy. I just wanted to know if im the only one here w/girlfriend problems.

if (girl >loud){


Dude if you have any involvement with a girl then you have girl problems.

They like to rock the boat.

We’re not <i>all</i> that bad you know. :slight_smile:

I’m an absolute darling. :beam:

<b>Cough hack splutter</b>

Kit is an exception :love:

(bonus points coming sens way!)

Sweetie. :beam: <b.Hugs</b>

|<17 15 5||p3r (00| 4||c| 5||p3r 53xy

(i think thats right…)

hehe. well i was with novatake :stuck_out_tongue:

so here is some PHP!

if ($noriGF != nice){
    echo "do what digi said";
    echo "dont do what digi said";

ok, you know when you’re a HUGE dork/geek (dorky geek?) when start you talking about girls in code and or h4x0r. Sorry lol

*Originally posted by senocular *
**ok, you know when you’re a HUGE dork/geek (dorky geek?) when start you talking about girls in code and or h4x0r. Sorry lol **
Its ok, im just toying with kits new-found knowlege of leet. send her a message in leet - i think she enjoys translating them (you do, dont you kit? :trout: )

:slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

I could do the same with men and beer, you know. :slight_smile:

I think I’m going to start sending team emails in |337 now. :evil:

There’s one for your bored in the office thread…

*Originally posted by Kitiara *
**I think I’m going to start sending team emails in |337 now. :evil:

There’s one for your bored in the office thread… **
YAY! write it in the thread kit, im sure jaz will put it on the list…

Done. :slight_smile:

I’m now considering converting my website report into 30 odd pages of |337 and handing it to the eCommerce team… :evil:

*Originally posted by Kitiara *
**Done. :slight_smile:

I’m now considering converting my website report into 30 odd pages of |337 and handing it to the eCommerce team… :evil: **
easy way to do it. Upload the report as html. then run the address through this site:

go on, you know you want to :bad: