I’m building a menu based on the abount of images in an XML file. I’ve already got the images to load individually sequecially but now I want a menu built by duplicate movieclip. I can duplicate a movie but I can’t populate the textfield in the clip with a number. plus I don’t know how I’m going to get it to load the individual image.
the set function is not working.
here’s a link http://jackryanphotography.com/images.php
Here’s my function
function buildMenu() {
trace("Total Images: " + totalSlides);
i = 1;
while (i < totalSlides) {
duplicateMovieClip(_root.dynamicMenu.menu[“menuBut”],“menuBut”+i, i);
_root.dynamicMenu.menu[“menuBut”+i]._x = i*sprd;
_root.dynamicMenu.menu[“menuBut”+i].createTextField([“btn”+i], i, 1, 1, 20, 20);
set (_root.dynamicMenu.menu[“menuBut”+i][“btn”+i],String(i));
any help would be greatly appreciated