Goto to frame 2 of scene 1 within a mc? Please help!

I searched the forums but didn’t find a match…
What I want to do is make my intro mc (which is on frame 1 of scene 1) automatically goto frame 2 of scene 1 once the intro ends. The simple goto statement won’t work because my intro is in it’s own mc.
I have attached a simple version of what i’m takling about. If someone could “solve” this and re-upload it, I would greatly appreciate it!

why not just have a next button or something?

Because when the intro ends…I want the rest of the site to automatically come on. No need to make an extra click for the user.

but what if they dont want to watch the intro?

I do have a skip intro button on it (but not in the example attached)

ummm…the only way I can think of at the moment (im pretty tired) is if you use a variable or something that says something like
if movieplayed = true
gotoandplay 2

something like that, like I said, im tired

Ok… i fixed it for ya.

I don’t know how to put links in these reply’s. Tell me how and i’ll post the fixed .fla for ya.

What you have to do is click “Post Reply” right below this text on the right.
Then you will see a browse button and attachment field.

all u gotta do is put a frame action on the last frame of you intro MC says to go and play the second frame of scene 2. That should work.

I tried that geko…but it didn’t work for me :frowning:
I’m interested to see what gheckman has come up with.
Thanks though…


…I could have done that…jk. Good job! :slight_smile:

Claudio! I love you! Thanks sooo much :slight_smile: I also must thank gheckman too :slight_smile:

One question…is this technique standard practice? What’s the “normal” technique for putting an intro on frame 1? I’m trying to learn the in’s and out’s of actionscripting slowly as I go…it’s a long road ahead!
Thanks again to all who helped!
This place is top 5 sites on the net!!!

Welcome dude.

There are many ways to do intros. You can have entire scenes devoted to intros that then move onto other scenes, or a quick intro can be done the way you did it. or just a bunch of keyframed animations on one timeline. It’s really up to you and what you feel comfortable with.

Here is my way of solving your original problem.
In my mind it’s a whole hell of a lot easier than the one the
other dude did.
You have to look in the timeline of the intro_mc to see what i did.


**** gheckman…I actually had very very similar code but it wasn’t working for me!!! Perhaps I had a small misspelling or variable error. Hmmm… I had a feeling it had to do with the _root, but for some odd reason it wasn’t working for me. Anyways, thanks to you both! Each solution was a lesson learned…
Claudio’s was more in depth, and I learned a few extra tips there, but for what I was looking for, gheckman’s worked just fine as well.
Perhaps you two should have an actionscript battle??? Lol, j/k…thanks to you both!!!

welcome :beam: