Which wacom tablet?!

Hi all!

Im starting to having trouble with my hands becouse of the computerwork.
Im really scared that i’ll get RSI when i continue to use my mouse like this! :crying:
So i’ve diceded to buy a wacom tablet! (i already have tablet, but its crap…)
But when i looked on the wacom website, i discovered that there are like a million of different types and sizes! :stunned:
Im gonna use it for some 3d, graphic/annimation and web design work, so i dont need a a3 tablet fore print jobs… :ne:

Well, thats much it…
I hope some of the wacom-using kirupians can give some advice/tell me whats the best one to buy. :slight_smile:

thanks! :hr:

come on guys! :rambo:

I think it just depends on how large of a tablet you want and how much you’re willing to pay. The only one I’ve used is a Graphire. It’s nice, but I could really use a larger one. (Graphire only goes up to 6x8). You’re best bet is probably an Intuos. They come in a variety of sizes (up to 12x19). (I’m assuming you can’t afford a Cintiq, lol) Anyway, check out the [U][COLOR=navy]Wacom TabletWizard [/COLOR][/U]to see what they would recommend for you, if you haven’t already. (Though, I figure it’ll say Intuos too).

ummm… all depends on you and what you prefer… you can always return it if you don’t like it, but definately go w/ the Intous line… Graphire is fine too but not as sensitive… for more information on them do a search for wacom in these forums.

Isn’t it considered INCREDIBLY good to get into the Research Science Institute at MIT?

I’ve only tried the graphires, they work great.

Thanks everyone!:beam:
I did the TabletWizard and it tells me to buy a Intuos. (thanx drumsnroses!)
So i also googeld the Intuos, and i think itwill be perfect for my needs!

hehe, Yeah i know, im just so Incredibly, it scares me!:D:lol:

does it ride on a broom and have a black cat? :wink:

lol gary…

I own an intuous and I love it. The Graphire doesn’t compare.

The perfect tablet for you is the Intuos3 9x12.
The Intuos3 9x12 is perfect for dedicated use in the studio. The size ratio between your monitor and this tablet will give you a high level of precision. At $449.95 it includes the Intuos3 Grip Pen, Intuos3 Five-button Mouse, Intuos3 Tablet with two sets of ExpressKeys and and two Touch Strips, and some great software.

tablet wizard sucks all the money out of you :sailor:


lol fixed the title

lol thaks, and btw how would a thread creator change the title of the thread?


I just spent about 10 minutes writing a lengthy response, then it just disappeared. See, I clicked ‘Post Quick Reply’, it came up with a logon screen, then it said ‘Invalid Thread’ or something. When I tried to go Back, the textbox was empty.


aww that sucks

i personally wouldn’t bother with a 9x12… i have an intuos 6x8 and i still don’t quite use the whole area… i mapped it so the bottom and right are a bit cut off, as i was having to move my hand heaps.

some people are very gestural and i guess it’s good for them, but i’m happy with mine, i wouldn’t go bigger even for the same price i reckon. among other things, it starts to take up a LOT of deskspace.

and good luck using it for 3d!! it can be done, but i reckon it’s pretty fiddly because the buttons aren’t as accessable as normal mice (even though they’re still easy to use, i think for 3d it got a bit frustrating) and it affects the ease with which you can use hotkeys.

Haha, yep raises hand
I love swooshing my wrist around the tablet…:hitman:

[ot]ROFL, your footer actually made me laugh out loud :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:[/ot]

but the 9x12 has tilt understanding, and I don’t think the 6x8 ones have an option for that. Tilt control with an airbrush tool is really nice.

i’m pretty sure all the intuos tablets have tilt… it’s just the graphires that don’t as far as i know. Thats what the websites suggest too, i just checked and under the intuos main menu thing it lists tilt control.

Intuos: Tilt, bearing, 1024 sensitivity levels, touchstrips, fancy pen.

Thanks for all the reply’s guys !:love:

Im definitely going for a Intuos, it sound great!! :smiley:
Only thing is the size… Im thinking of the 6x8 or the 6x11.
Thats couse those are still portable, as i’ll use it with my laptop.
Dunno if its worth it to take the 6x11 only becous my laptop has a 15.4" widescreen… :ponder:

If you can call it a widescreen :lol: