Graphics tablet

looking to buy one but i figure i should get some expert advice first.
this one looks okay, because its cheap and i dont make much.
im really looking for a bang for the buck type thing…

mmmh, i cant see anything, maybe there’s a problem with the cgi page - or its my IE…

ahaha. tatung? its an hp montitor. i dont think i have a whole lot of faith in this dealer anymore…

my invention…i like to call it the IGIF or interactinve…whatever GIF stands for… its revolutionary…doh.

My advice. Go for the industry standard. There is a reason for them being there…

WACOM… any flavor.

I’ve got a Wacom Graphire 2 and I love it to bits. :slight_smile:

wacom all the way

Ive got a Wacom graphire 2 as well. The cheaper range out of the Wacoms tablets though not cheap quality!
Awesome tool to have. check out :beam:


I keep threatening to get one of those …

not having used one yet I imagine that there may be some frustration and early burn out from getting the smallest one
(think: drawing on a playing card) :!:

To the people who have used them::

…is there a significant useability difference between the sizes ???

Clueless Minds wanna know =)

to tell you the truth , i have adjusted mine to work only in a partial part of the actually tablet. I find it easy and never really use the whole tablet to work. you can do this in the drivers provided with the tablet. Usually the bigger more expensive ones have automated buttons on either the top, bottom, or sides of the tablet. You can customize them to do particular task, this i know but i dnt know exactly what task it can be customized to do.