Its great to be back on the forum… some may think i was dead lol… My exams are finished etc and i just updated the site. Lots more new links. COmments are welcomed. I need to get more well know so if you know any places where i can submit my link tell me…
Hi, i was dead 2 for some months, lol.
I will give some comments, I’d like to have a menu somewhere, to make it some easier to navigate.
And your top designers hub, can maybe use some cool lines or something to smuck it somewhat up.
And that’s all I guess nice portfolio you have there. If you have
some time, you can write tutorials, some things I really like.
I liked your site :] keep up the good work
Dreamer ! Welcome.
I whant to tell you something !
When entering
you see welcome on must languages but not Arabic ?
why :tb:
Arabic was sold out i guess
sorry what do you mean soldt out ?
I could’nt get a tranlation… I can’t list all the lanuages lol
I’ve viewed your site a few times now and I think I’m ready to comment.
This is what I would do, if this was MY site.
I would change the font on your “logo.” I absolutely detest the font that “Designer’s Hub” is written in.
On the main page, I would do more where the top logo part is. I think the page needs a cool banner or something up there.
Finally, on 1024x768 the right half of the page is all dead space…it need something. Maybe if you chose one of your backgrounds as a default when the page loaded (instead of it being blank by default) it would help.
I am working on a few new logo designs
I agree if that. Been working on a flash banner
I put the bg blank as default so that it doesn’t lag with slow connections. I know that since i have 1024x768 but i want the site to work on 800x600 all the way to 2000x1500
*Originally posted by dreamer *
**I could’nt get a tranlation… I can’t list all the lanuages lol **
use this if you want to
Use what?