Anyone ever go to this website and take the challenge? I wonder how they do it myself.
2/8 :-/
5/8…generally happy
Great minds think alike 2/8.
Although I think I just mistyped a few.
Oh lordy
1 out of 8
Were you addressing me or thor?
Only got 3 across the whole site, bleh!
oh well, at least i got tron.
Eh! I only know like one! I looked back at some old ones and I couldnt get some from movies Ive seen a million times. How sad. I suck at this.
I realised I knew another one and tried again, I got 6/8 this time
I didn’t know 1 + 4 (so I didn’t enter anything for them)
ehhh I have no idea what movies those are
I also only got 2. I never watch movies though, so it’s not so bad.
Your score:
2 out of 8
pretty good photoshoppin out there !
4 out of 8 here. But only on the newest one. I got 0s and 1s on all the others I tried.
and fools seldom differ. 2/8 here.
i got 3/8
man! Im the worst!
BerkoWitz, does this mean I’m the best then