a little variation on the movie quote game
someone posts a screenshot from a movie, and the next person guesses what movie its from.
i’ll start with an easy one…
a little variation on the movie quote game
someone posts a screenshot from a movie, and the next person guesses what movie its from.
i’ll start with an easy one…
I totally agree with lunatic.
I think after two people agree the person who answered should go.
I hate to bail on Gary - he did say “have a nice weekend” when he posted that so it sounds like he may not be around for a bit. I’m hardly on during the weekends either but if someone wants to post an “in the meantime” shot then I say go for it.
Sorry guys, I had to go I thought it was easy enough. Lunatic got it, it was Bad Santa.
yeah Bad Santa - go Lunatic! :thumb:
I’m on it!
yesh :pleased:
Dang I was too slow…k next! :thumb:
ok here goes. i haven’t done this thing yet with the pictures.
“I want my two dollars!”
Better Off Dead :beam:
is that “Booger” from the Nerds movies? :lol:
it is booger, but lunatic is right. go girl!
If this one is too small I’ll provide another from the same movie . . .
i know it is MJ when he was semi-normal as the scarecrow, but i don’t know what the actual movie name was.
Take the name of the original movie and shorten it to the first word and the first three letters of the second word and you’ll have it. :beam:
Oz, but I would have never guessed it.
Actually it’s “The Wiz”, an African American adaptation of The Wizard of Oz, with yes Michael Jackson as the Scarecrow (back when he was black).
Prettyboy pretty much got it so he can go.
Aw man I so would have got the Wiz! :thumb: (had to watch it for a sociology class in college … way back when … can’t believe there was such a thing made)
I guess I need to read better, anyway wasn’t Oz some show on HBO about cons?
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