I’ve been designing this gun game i would really like some feed back on what people think and whether it even worth continuing. At the moment it only had the gun shot effect and movement. I plan for it to have enemies of course lol , soundeffects, reload/ammo, ricochet/damage on building efffects. if any of u have any ideas of features u would like to see please tell me. this is only the first level and i plan to throw in a little story to take u through the game.
Hands look abit dodgy on mine to, just find an image of a gun u like, then practice drawing it at different angles, then when u got the angle u want, imagine what parts of the hand u can see this is where i look stupid holidn things like stapplers infront of me. I also play games like counterstrike alot which helps give u the feel i guess
I borrowed an air gun from a mate, and drew my hand holding that. But the problem was I either had to draw left handed to get the right hand holding the gun, or draw right handed but reverse everything.