I love Gunbound…
Does anyone here play it??
If you do …
Tell us more about u…
Favorite “Car”:
How much GP u got (aproxmidatly):
What avatar u have (post a screenshot if possible):
Your ID and Password (j/k) LoL
Just tell us something…
Here’s me:
Favorite “Car”–> Bommer
GP–> 2400 (Stone Axe)
Avatar–> Angel of Death , Punk Hair , Orbiting Balls , Ballroom Suit , Red Flag…
ID: Exorcist1989
Password: **************** (my pass has 16 char, try to hack in lol)
Thats it…
oh yea. it took me to get to double silver axe in 3 weeks to realise how retarded and pointless that game is. just a heads up, exorcist, dont waste your time on it. it ain’t worth it. how long have you been on that game, anyway?
I played gunbound once too… actually several of my friends did… we played it hours a day, until we just… well… didn’t…
the further along you get, the more you see the pointlessness of it, the ultimate goal is to have the most GP, and when you do, someone tops you… besides, no one knows who you are anyways
oh, and 99% of the GunBound community are japanese youths who can’t spell… trust me…