It’s been a while since we had something ridiculous on the site, so here is the friendly kirupaGhost!
I feel bad for the ghost when you click on a long thread that defaults you to the last comment. It takes a while for the little guy to make it that far down the page. (That and scrolling doesn’t update the mouse position so he can get lost from time to time.)
That is a good point. I wonder if I should just keep the ghost fixed relative to the viewport as opposed to scrolling around the page.
EDIT: I fixed the code to have the ghost stay fixed relative to the viewport. This does feel much better and more ghost-like haha.
I just wanna play
with the ghost…
…or maybe a Kirupa “Pacman
” could get chased around the screen by the ghost…
Haha I was thinking about doing just that!
Awesome! One more suggestion: local storage-ing the ghost’s last location so on refresh or new page load it can load in at it’s previous location rather than the top left every time.
I’d like to see it eat the vowels out of words as it passes over them.
granted devowelizer badge
I will work on that next!
EDIT: Done! If I get more time, I may actually get the ghost to continue its bouncing animation from the point it was in just before I navigated away. Right now, there is a slight jump where the animation restarts from the beginning.
This ghost needs a smashing pumpkin buddy
@tbo!!! Long time no see. Hope you’ve been well
A companion pumpkin sounds like a pretty good idea. Let me see what I can do there…
Kirupa, I’m sorry but that ghost is very annoying! I have a hard enough time as it is focusing on the screen
As a workaround, to get rid of the ghost you can go into your site preferences and in the Interface section change the theme to something other than KIRUPA. That’ll get rid of the ghost.
Brilliant, thanks for this too! Not so obvious. I’m over the moon grateful
I’ll provide a more permanent solution later this evening where you can turn it off. I can totally see why it can be annoying!
@Groundhog - I have made it so that the ghost disappears after a few seconds of no mouse movement. My next step will be to add a toggle in the header to turn the Ghost on or off permanently
Woah! That would be awesome, I second this suggestions
I definitely wanna code this!
I have a pending tutorial on how to make this work, but you can definitely view source on the home page and see how it is done!